Tension and Awakening

Tension and Awakening



As you awaken en-mass to your consciousness - seeing more through your dreams, your sensitivity, and the empathic energy force, it is also accompanied with discontent and irritation at the world. 

This is quite a time that Souls have chosen to incarnate due to the extreme control mechanisms that have been enabled and propagated thru the millennial control sectors. There is a lot of evolution potential in this time and many of you chose this time to live on planet because of it's maximum sense of struggle and what you can easily see - more and more - as low vibration.  It's the very journey of overcoming the fear and anger to be, vibrate and shine.

Light and higher vibration is available for everyone through the choices you make.  Choice of focus, vibration and action.  This is a necessary truth to grasp in order to awaken to your light, power and divinity.

You choose power forms through not choosing, through apathy, and through a lack of discernment.  Not all is absolute in your terms - absolutely good or absolutely bad.  Look below and beyond what you are "told" to believe through your leaders and media - investigate and research.

Many are learning to direct their energy and choose differently.  Think of yourselves as battery systems.  Power cannot dominate without charge and the people on the planet provide that charge.

The way of evolution is through discernment as you are continually faced with obnoxious exaggeration and intentionally misconstrued messages. ~A channeled message from a group called The Ignations

Often greatly misunderstood. The Shadow is the fragment of self that happens in your social conditioning through family and society. We all have aspects of self that have been pushed down into the unconscious. Awareness of Shadow exposes unconscious aspects of self and then ceases to be Shadow. When we deny these fragments of self it leads to resistance and fear. When we embrace through AWARENESS we allow in more healing acceptance and light. WATCH now at the $5 per month Tier Level (along with your monthly videoscopes) when you join Patreon


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Descernment is important!
Uniting with others at this time is necessary to increase the light for all.

Andrea Thomas

Hi Jean💝. I am the girl from Ogdensburg :-) :-) I just read what you wrote on my birthday in 2018 :-) Your words were powerful , as I‘m definitely on a weird path! it makes perfect sense Got me, every word 💜. Take care:-)

Melissa Chevrier

Thank you. I agree, discernment is so necessary right now. Too many of those who are on the path of awakening are in a hurry to awaken others and are loosing focus. They are lowering their vibration to get the ‘story out’ first. At this point anything we share/invest our time in should be REAL, not sensationalized to get clicks or likes.

Judy Lacroix

Thank u Jean. I relate closely to yr words. I’m not newly incarnated 58 but I feel as though I am. Quite horrified at the outside society and world


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